Build your dream gaming computer, for cheap!

Other companies charge ridiculous prices for less-than ridiculous PC's

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What is a gaming computer?

A gaming computer is a PC designed specifically for playing video games. There are a few things that differ a gaming PC from a regular PC, such as one you might use for school or work. A computer designed to run games must have a good graphics card, which might not be available on a lot of computers. It also needs a good processor and a fair amount of RAM. Aside from these things, you can choose to buy a specialty keyboard, mouse, or monitor designed for maximum gaming ability. When you have all these things, games will run beautifully and smoothly to give you the best experience possible.

Regular Computer Gaming Computer
  • Onboard Graphics
  • Processor
  • Have to buy a new one every few years
  • Overpriced for brand name
  • Graphics Card
  • Faster Processor
  • Upgradable
  • Costs the sum of the parts

PC vs Console

Consoles have been around for many years and are in fact just computers that sit in your living room. Okay, so there's no difference right? Wrong. Consoles do not have very advanced hardware and tend to lag or have subpar graphics and framerates. With a PC, you can run the same game (and thousands more games) better so it looks and plays nicer. When playing on a computer built for gaming, you will definitely notice the difference between the two. Another thing about PC's is that unlike a console, you can continually upgrade individual parts, instead of having to buy an entire new system 4 years later. A PC could potentially last you for the next 20 years (with upgrades along the way) and still play blockbuster games amazingly. On top of that, you can still use a console controller on many PC games!

Game Selection

Of course, this is a big selling point of PC's. On a PC, there are over 800 million games available. Most of these games are very cheap, even cheaper than on consoles, where the Xbox One has a measly 900 games. There are many sales on PC games throughout the year, and there are more than just the blockbuster games available. You can get almost every game available on consoles, and then almost 900,000 times as many games after that.

Why have one built instead of buying a prebuilt (such as Alienware)?

There are many suppliers out there of gaming computers, but the simple truth is that you are paying for the brand name. Suppliers like this can charge up to twice as much for the same exact computer. Sure, it will run games beautifully, but so will a computer that costs half as much. In addition to being cheaper, your customization on gaming rigs that are prebuilt is limited, opposed to being able to choose everything down to the LED strips on one that you built yourself. For example, the Alienware, "Light Up the Sky" build that is priced at $1600 can be built for less than $900 by JC PC.

About Us

At JC PC our goal is to give you an amazing gaming rig at a fraction of the price of store-bought, and get rid of the frustrations and complications of having to figure out how to build one on your own. What makes us different is the unparalleled customer service of walking each person through their own build to make it fit them. We can help with anything you are confused about, give you suggestions, and personalize around your budget or needs.


When you first contact JC PC with the info at the bottom of the page, we should get back to you within a day. We'll open up a line of communication and start to walk you through the process. We can customize the build according to your budget, your needs, or copy a build of a prebuilt for much less money than you would pay for said prebuilt (see last section of About Us). We can walk you through which of the options is best for you, and what specific build works.


When all the details are sorted out, we'll order the parts and assemble the machine. You can choose if you want us to set anything up on the software side, and we happily will. We can install any programs you need and your choice of Windows, Linux, or Steam OS.

Finally, we'll meet up at a determined place, I'll give you the computer, and you'll pay. It's that simple.

On top of building the tower, we can get you a compatible monitor, mouse, keyboard, and anything else you might need (accessories are extra). We can help you understand if you need these things so you can make an educated purchase.

JC PC has an estimated turnaround of 2 weeks after the build is finalized. This is faster than all competitors, and since we are in the same state (Colorado), you don't have to wait for shipping.

The wonderful thing about making your own computer is you can spend as much or little as you want. If you want to spend $8,000 making a beast of a PC that will last you the rest of your life, you could. Or you could spend $400. Or any amount in between.

Make this computer your computer, and don't overpay with a competitor.

Contact Us

Just message us on any of the following platforms to get started on your 100% custom build.